If you notice beet leaves closely, then you will see that their stem and leaves are connected. So, when you want to try the juice recipes, you must have proper knowledge about whether you can juice beet leaves or not.
If you have already bought the beet leaves, then you might be wondering if it is better to eat them rather than throw them away, as they have a high nutritional value. But can you juice beet leaves?
You can juice beet leaves and even use them in juices containing citrus fruits such as oranges or sweet berries like raspberries, strawberries, etc. But if you do not have a strong juicer, you might face issues with juicing beet leaves. So, you need to use a masticating juicer to get the work done with maximum efficiency.
You can add extra flavor to your juices by adding beet leaves and stems. You get the best results when you add them to fruits and vegetables of different flavor profiles.
Can You Juice Beet Leaves?
You can juice both the beet leaves and stems if you have a good juicer. You will find these leaves under the section “leafy greens,” and they are full of nutritional goodness.
So, if you want to juice your beet leaves, you need to follow our guide.
Is It Easy to Juice a Beet Leaf?
Juicing beet leaves is not a task for amateurs. It is not an easy task to extract the nutritional benefits from the leaves every time. Even after making a serious effort, some people may not be able to extract any juice from the beet leaves at all.
Of the two types of juicers available on the market, one is very good and capable of extracting juice from leafy greens, including beet leaves.
The first type of juicer you will find is the centrifugal juicer. Your juice will be extracted due to the high-speed spinning of the ingredients inside the juicer. It will even chop the fruits and vegetables at the same time.
Your juice might get a little hot due to the heat produced inside the juicer due to the fast spinning. Your juice may also lose nutritional value.
The second type of juicer you will find is a masticating juicer. In this juicer, your juice will be prepared by crushing, mashing, and pressing on fruits and vegetables. You need more time to prepare juice in this juicer, as it is slow, low-heat, and tender. Now, your juice will have the maximum nutritional value.
So, you should use a masticating juicer to juice your beet leaves or stems. You will get higher quantities of juice with high nutritional value. You can also use a centrifugal juicer, but you will get very little juice, and a high quantity of pulp will be left.
How Do I Juice Beet Leaves?
You can juice beet leaves with ease, and if you have already juiced some of the leafy greens before, it will be even easier for you.
You can juice both beet leaves and beetroots. So, if you are juicing beet leaves, you might also want to juice beetroot as well. You can juice them separately or together, depending on your juice.
- Initially, you should take the beet and cut the stem just above the root.
- Now, you need to decide whether you are juicing leaves, stems, or both. If you want to juice only stems, then cut the leaves from the stem. We suggest you juice both of them together to get a higher nutritional content in your juice.
- Next, you must wash and dry the leaves and stalks properly. You must cut them into small pieces as well, depending on the type of juicer you are using.
- Now, put them in the jar of a juicer and juice them.
- You need to wait a little while to get your healthy and nutritious juice ready.
What Is the Taste of Beet Leaves After Juicing?
You will not find the taste of beet leaves much different from the other leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, etc. But you get a more earthy taste in beet leaf juice.
So, you can even replace other leafy greens, like kale, spinach, etc., with beet leaves. As they fall into the same category of “leafy greens,” they can be used interchangeably.
But if you are consuming beet leaves for the first time, you might find them to be quite bitter. If you juice beet leaves alone, you might not enjoy their taste too much.
So, most people prepare a blended juice of beet leaves with other fruits and vegetables to balance out the taste.
Can I Juice Beet Leaves with Other Fruits and Vegetables?
You will love the combination of beet leaves with other fruits and vegetables when juiced together. Many people believe it is the best way to juice beet leaves.
If you add beet leaves to your juice, it will add a more earthy taste and increase the nutritional content of the juice. So, the overall nutritional goodness will also improve.
But beet leaves can make the juice a bit bitter at times. If you use it with other fruits and vegetables, the taste of the juice will also improve.
So, if you add sweet and juicy fruits like strawberries, watermelon, apples, raspberries, etc., it will add sweetness to the juice. This sweetness will balance out and cancel the bitter taste of beet leaves.
You will also notice that citrus fruits go very well with the beet leaves. This is because the acidic nature of these fruits hides the bitterness of beet leaves. You can add citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit, orange, lime, etc. to your juice.
What Are the Nutritional Benefits of Juicing Beet Leaves?

You will be surprised to know the nutritional benefits of beet leaves, as they are mostly overlooked and not given much credit for their high nutritional goodness. Once you know the benefits of beet leaves, you will always go for beetroots attached to leaves and stems while shopping.
Beet leaves give a high quantity of nutrients to the beetroot as well. So, imagine the nutritional goodness you will get if you juice beetroot and beet leaves together. You will also get remarkable health benefits after consuming this juice.
Your immunity will get a major boost from beet leaf juice because it is high in vitamin C, and you can even fight off infections with much more ease than before.
You can fulfill your nutritional needs of vitamin A by consuming beet leaves, as one cup of beet leaves can fulfill more than 100% of your daily vitamin A requirements.
Your bones will also become healthier as you get calcium and vitamin K from this juice. If you are vegan or vegetarian, then eating beet leaves is the best way to fulfill your daily calcium requirements.
Final Words
Now, you must have understood how easy it is to juice beet leaves and the various ways in which you can juice them. Beet leaves have never received much credit for their high nutritional value, but they are an amazing choice for you if you want to add leafy greens to your drink.
Yes, you might find its taste a bit bitter, but that can be nullified by juicing it with other fruits and vegetables. But you cannot ignore the several nutritional and health benefits that come along with the use of beet leaves.
If you have bought a lot of beet leaves at a time, then you can refrigerate them. You can even freeze them to store them for a longer period.
So, we recommend you try the beet leaf juice, as its nutritional benefits cannot be ignored.